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User Manual

Rove Rack Set Up Guide

Step 01

Put your tools away, most of the RoveRack has  been assembled for you! All you need to do is insert the legs into the frame, secure them with the pins, and you’re ready to Rove!

Make sure you have all the parts:

1. Top Tray X1

2. Front Legs X2

3. Rear Legs X2

4. Pins X4

Step 02

Flip the Top Tray so that it’s upside down. Insert the Front Legs into the Leg Collars as shown.

Step 03

Insert the Pins through the Leg Collars and Front Legs based on your vehicle.

Step 04

Insert the Rear Legs into the Leg Collars as shown.

Step 05

Insert the 2 remaining Pins through the Leg Collar and Leg.

Step 06

Flip assembled Rove Rack over, and set in vehicle as shown in first image